男士| 配饰| 领带(夹) | Bottega Veneta
男士| 配饰| 领带(夹) | Bottega Veneta
Tie pin领带固定针高档链条流苏领带夹男士西服胸针领针徽章配饰-Taobao
Please inform the pet neck circumference before the subscript to confirm the appropriate size LINE
订 Customized ◢☞ Navy ⚓️ scarf - strap
⚓️ part of the imitation Leather hand-cut
on the car I am driving to the window
The product is quite delicate 喔
No way to go to the beach to play with water but also to be a small sailor ✌✌
[Color 】 sapphire blue & red ➟ 深 dark blue & pink & black optional 喔
white ☞ 蓝 蓝 贴 + + + LINE LINE
red stickers + red dot
pink veneer + pink dot
dark blue skin + dark blue Dot
black leather + black dot
I am afraid that the light color is easy to get dirty and pull out the horse you can choose the beige white skin 喔 ~ color configuration is as follows:
beige white leather + dark blue fabric + dark blue
white veneer backing + + large red little red
white veneer backing + + navy blue sapphire little
before the subscript please take advantage of a chat function
inquiry treasure What size suitable to wear and to inform the custom color Oh ❗
S No. - -390 membered small dogs and cats
M number - specific medium dogs -450 membered
L number - a large dog dedicated -490 membered
The products will be printed only after the subscripts are subscripted. The number of working days will be ordered in the order of the order. If you can't wait please don't subscribe
there is work during the day you can't face
to the post office or store to the store postage Please email!
This store is a custom model~ will only start to make
after paying the subscript payment. Pet products are also considered as personal items
so there is no so-called ◤ appreciation period ◢
Please consider before bidding LINE
If you have any questions about size measurement
can communicate more
Orders are made in the size you provide
so return refunds are not accepted
If you have any inconvenience please forgive me
# pet harness
# design models
# dog
# cat
# handmade
# customized
# gift
# navy wind